The best plant for your garden - Must know beginners

What if you opted for plants that are easy to maintain all year round? After all, it's true, why complicate your life with plants that are difficult to grow, that need to be renewed regularly or that require special care? Relaxing Garden offers you are top 20 of the simplest maintenance plants: need for water or light; planting board, flowering date... You are told all about the simplest plants to maintain in the garden or at home.


1. Corydale Corydalis lutea

Its tubular yellow flowers follow one another on a light, bluish foliage. She likes the foot of the walls or the edges of gravel walkways. It grows very fast, and is easily ripped off in places where you don't want it.
Namely. You won't find it in seeds, but in young plants in the perennials. After one season, she sows herself.

2. Papaver commutatum poppy-coclicot

Well rounded and red flowers, each petal of which is marked with a beautiful black spot at the base. A crazy charm and a very long flowering, from May to the end of July, which returns faithfully every year.
Namely. To find it, you have to let the seeds ripen and scrape the soil a little in the fall, when you will rip out the dry plants.

3. Belle-de-night Mirabilis jalapa

The sweet, fruity fragrance, perfectly tuned to the English candy colors of this flower that opens in the evening, when you come back from work, it's like a gift...
Namely. It reseeds alone in very dry terrain in winter but withers in wet terrain. In mild climates, it forms large, perennial tuberous roots.

4. Verveine de Buenos Aires Verbena bonariensis

Altières and "transparent", its high fine stems go unnoticed until the purple flowers bloom. The flowering lasts from July to frosts and attracts butterflies.
Namely. It can be planted for the first time, or young subjects often sold among perennials, although it can't withstand a cold of -10 degrees Celsius. The seeds, on the other hand, always survive.

Getting rid of chores

Some activities take time and work. For example, sowing and transplanting annuals should be done at specific times at the risk of missing the entire following season. It is better to look for plants that can tighten themselves to make sure you have flowers in the summer even when you are not too available in May or June.

Perennials are supposed to solve this kind of problem. But lo and behold, many of them need to be divided regularly (in March or September) to continue to bloom... Again, there are a few welcome exceptions to getting rid of these deadlines. Let's not think only of flowers, but also of fruits that many think they should do without because they don't know the subtleties of size... I promise you good apples (even this year!) if you find the right varieties now. It will be your main job to find the best plants among all the others... For me, the best part of gardening.

Best shrubs that are not pruned

1. Weigélia dwarf Weigela 'Alexandra'

Flowers in supported pink bells, beautiful chocolate foliage, a naturally balled port... Flowering takes place in one go, in May-June, but the foliage remains beautiful all summer long.
Namely: if one day it becomes too bulky (in 15 years!), cut it short, near the ground, to renew it completely.

2. Osmanthe Osmanthus x burkwoodii

From a distance, it resembles a boxwood, very dark green, but when it blooms in April and May, it evokes jasmine, both by the shape and color of its flowers and by the intensity of its fragrance. It reaches 2 m x 2 m.
Namely. It can form a hedge, or fit into a mixture of shrubs intended to create a protective and attractive shield.

3. Hydrangea Hydrangea serrata 'Tiara'

Unlike large hydrangeas, this one forms a ball of 1 m in all directions, covered with flat flowers, blue in neutral or acidic soil, roses in earth more alkaline. It likes shade, does not freeze, but sulfur from drought in summer.
Namely. A few branches can be removed each spring, but this does not influence flowering.

4. Nandina dwarf N. domestica 'Firepower'

It is planted and enjoyed throughout the year of its magnificent foliage whose color and intensity vary over time from the bright scarlet to the green tones moist with gold.
Namely. This shrub grows in bins as well as in the open ground, regardless of the nature of the soil, in the shade or in the sun (where its colors are however more intense).

4 perennials that are not divided

1. Aconit Aconitum x napellus

It looks like a delphinium with its beautiful ears of purple blue flowers in May and June, but it has no drawbacks: insensitive to slugs, it does not need tutors, manure, or division to flower well.
Namely. Plant it in the sun or in mid-shade, in cool soil. After flowering, its foliage turns yellow and disappears until the following season.

2. Violet Sage Salvia verticillata 'Purple Rain'

It is the most rustic and flowering of rustic sage. Its ears remain attractive for a long time thanks to the colorful bracts that surround the flowers, but they also renew from June to frosts. It doesn't reseed.
Namely. Unlike other sages, flowering is best extended in the thick and cool soil. Also likes mid-shadow.

3. Baptisia Baptisia australis

It blooms like a lupin, it is blue as a lupin, but it is "sustainable" while the lupins live only two to three seasons and then go away. The baptisias take 2 to 3 years to settle down, but can stay for decades without asking for anything.
Namely. Install small plants by twisting the deepest root that must plunge vertically into the ground.

4. Ideal Aster Aster cordifolius 'Ideal'

This is the good student of the whole family: no diseases, insensitive to the wind, it blooms en masse several years without needing to be regenerated. The electric blue of its small daisies stands out well with autumn tones.
Namely. Intersperse it among grasses to form easy-to-maintain sets, mowing in the fall or spring.

The plants mentioned here can all be grown in pots. Of course, this type of culture requires a little more care than in the garden, especially when it comes to watering. To reduce their frequency, choose the largest and deepest containers possible. Place a little gravel at the bottom, but especially a good layer of clay soil (or garden soil), then finish with a good soil. All this will ensure you good reserves and can reduce the number of waterings by 7... 2 per week (depending on conditions and situations). Appreciated, isn't it?

Best Plants for Pots

1. Liatris Liatris x spicata

Coming from the American prairies, this bulb produces ears that bloom from top to bottom. The species has ears of about 25 cm, but in 'Floristan', they reach 40 cm and flower longer.
Namely. It reseeds itself if it likes the land, but you can also harvest seeds and sow them. The young plants bloom the following year.

2. Crocosmia 'Lucifer' C. x crocosmiiflora 'Lucifer'

Extraordinary bright red flame, bloomed in July and August, this bent inflorescence arouses admiration. It agrees with the "Satan's fleeces" (kniphofias) who like the same sunny situations.
Namely. Plant bulbs at a depth of 15 cm, and forget about them! Consider lining the floor with a layer of protective dead leaves.

3. Lilium x regale trumpet

It is not only the most perennial, but also one of the most fragrant lilies. It can be planted in the spring (as soon as possible), but also in autumn, between 15 and 20 cm deep, in a soil enriched with light soil.
Namely. Mix it with light shrubs (weigéla, seringat, large rose bush), to avoid tutoring it.

4. Nerine Nerine x bowdenii

It only needs sun to flower, as it grows in all soils, even wet ones. Its bright pink flowers bloom in September/October and bring fresh colours to autumn hues.
Namely. Plant the bulbs now. Some leaves will appear and dry: don't panic, the flowers will arrive alone in September.

4 fruit trees that produce on their own

1. Caseille Ribes x hybridus

When it comes to flavour, the fruit corresponds to what is expected: a flavour halfway between blackciving and redcrant. But the real interest of the shrub lies in its long conservation. You can pick the fruit little by little for four to five weeks!
Namely. To keep bushes productive, simply cut a large branch near the ground each winter.

2. Colonian Apple Malus x domestica

We choose it, we plant it, and we wait: the apples come by themselves and come back each year without asking for any care. Too good to be true? It does not require any size because its growth is really minimal.
Namely. It takes at least two plants of two different varieties to get a good fruiting each year.

3. 'Queen of the Valleys' berry strawberry

This small "wood strawberry" produces elongated and delicious berries over a long period of time (when installed and forms carpets). This strawberry multiplies very easily by stolons and spontaneous sowing (via birds), but it's all the better, you never have too much!
Namely. If birds eat everything, adopt 'Alpine Blanche' less appetizing for them... but not for us!

4. Neflier Mespilus germanica

Large white flowers in May (like rosehips), beautiful elongated leaves dark green in summer, rust in autumn, attractive and never bulky port, the neflier is a beautiful tree before being a fruit tree that remains beautiful all year round.
Namely: the "nefles" are delicious chard, in December: the flesh has the taste and texture of applesauce.
